MathRoomBuddy converts between different ways computers use to represent numbers. To pick a data format to enter, tap one of the four representations at the top of the display and then enter your value. It’s easy.
Click here to go to the Apple App store.
Mathroombuddy does offer some very simple RPN calculator features to manipulate the values being converted. If you are looking for a great calculator, I would suggest PCalc by TLA Systems.
Key | Action |
0 | Digit zero |
1 | Digit one |
2 | Digit two |
3 | Digit three |
4 | Digit four |
5 | Digit five |
6 | Digit six |
7 | Digit seven |
8 | Digit eight |
9 | Digit nine |
A | Digit ten |
B | Digit eleven |
C | Digit twelve |
D | Digit thirteen |
E | Digit fourteen |
F | Digit fifteen |
. | Decimal point |
=, Up arrow, return | Enter |
Down arrow | Drop |
Escape | Clear |
+ | Add |
- | Subtract |
x, * | Multiply |
/ | Divide |
% | Modulo |
s | Change sign |
@ | Square |
#, $ | Square root |
~ | Not |
& | And |
| | Or |
^ | Xor |
Tab | Next base |
Shift/Tab | Previous base |
Since MathRoomBuddy's name is similar to the amazing invention called the Bathroom Buddy in the movie Gremlins, the sales pitch is an homage to the sales pitch used in the beginning of the movie. Here is the original description:
Well friends, you do have a lot of interesting data here, but there’s one thing you don’t have.
And what’s that?
Well, let me show you. I got it right here. I’m an inventor. I made this, the Mathroom Buddy. The invention of the century, friends. It eliminates the need to carry heavy computers and things when you travel.
You got yourself floating point. You got yourself hexadecimal. You got yourself signed decimal, you got unsigned decimal. You got all of these at once. You got yourself a bunch of math functions.
This is going to revolutionize math.
Now, let’s just say, for the sake of argument, that you’re on a bus or a plane or a train. You forgot to convert your data. You got yourself a bad case of bad data representation. Now, what do you do?
No problem, friend. All you do is, you take your phone out, and you push this button...
That’s no problem. That’s absolutely no problem. Cleans up easily.
MathRoomBuddy is truly your buddy. I do not collect any information about the math you are performing. Your math is not shared with any third parties. There are no third party SDKs monitoring your math. If you choose to share diagnostics about MathRoomBuddy, thank you very much. There are no ads. There are no in-app purchases. Even if you want the answer to the Ultimate Question of Life, the Universe, and Everything, there will be no additional charge (by the way, it is 42).
If you have any other questions, send them to me.