When I was younger, my father would always tell me that the people in Minnesota are special people. People in Minnesota can walk on water. They can even drive their trucks on water. This week I realized that the people of Minnesota perform other miracles as well.
We have a tradition called pot luck dinners. One staple of pot luck dinners is what we call hot dishes. Some would call them casseroles, but that’s a topic for another time. The idea of a pot luck dinner is that everyone brings a large dish of food, the food is arranged on a table, everyone fills their plates from the dishes, and eats their fill. Once everyone recovers enough to move again, we refill our dishes from the leftovers and return to our homes, hopefully not getting lost driving across a lake in the middle of the night. The miraculous part of the meal is that everyone’s dish on the return trip has more food in it than what they brought to the meal. It’s a miracle.